April 16

Day 8
Tues. April 16 10:50am

Off to our street meeting at the Arch which began at 11:20am. At one time this use to be the entrance into the city. After singing a few hymns we head off to hand out the gospel of John. Sometimes I head off with Elisabeth and we both take note of the Starbucks on the corner and other times I head off with LauraM and stop for a fruit smoothie. It is very thirsty work! We have many contacts; LauraM spoke with a lady and was able to give her the gospel, the lady wanted to read her gospel of John before committing to anything. Laura confirmed with her that salvation was not through the church because you can not trust men and the lady said that is for sure! Hmmm! Elisabeth gave the gospel to a lady who then came up to Br. Logan and Angelo and said that she was calling the police and was going to sue them for telling a different faith. The police humoured her and told us to leave for five minutes and then we could come back; so that is what we did. She was no where to be seen either, that’s how serious she was I guess. Boy can LauraM and Elisabeth ever get the gospel of John out. No one seems to want to take them from me or David and I don’t know why. Elisabeth says she has a scowl on her face so people fear her:) and I don’t think LauraM gives anyone a choice. I will practice my aggressive scowl tonight on them and see if they take the gospel from me:)
Went to the Temple of Zeus where they now have a Muslim Prayer Tower. There was reconstruction going on so I couldn’t get a real feel for the place. Then off to the Orthodox church to see what all the fuss is about but I couldn’t get a real feel for that place either. Now off to Starbucks which even Br. Logan got a feel for. Yummmmm! Hey, even missionaries need a Starbucks! by the way, the code to use the WC is 1977 if you ever need it.

Headed home exhausted; laid down for a rest and an hour later I was waking up. At 5:30pm we headed to the most authentic Greek Restaurant in town; The Ful to Mesa (incorrect spelling) to meet with the Logan family. It was wonderful; we had Greek salad, 2 kinds of deep fried cheese, stuffed big onion with meat and onion (I think), fish, pork, squid or octopus (I can’t remember) I do remember that it was good. Everyone had a fun time and it was good to all be together and to get to know each other more. We headed down the street to a souvenir shop and more Starbucks. Can you believe it. I wasn’t even a Starbucks fan until I came here and only because they don’t have a Tim Hortons. I’ll repent once I get back to Canada:)

We say good-bye to the Logans and head to the parking lot but before we get to far we stop at a vendor who twists wire into your name in English or Greek and strings it into a necklace. This man, Mario, is searching for the truth but cannot seem to separate good works with salvation. We say Jesus alone but he believes Jesus plus church, Mary or good works. He is mixed up in a lot of things as that is what he has been taught for so many years. We tell him that the Bible, God’s Word, is our final Authority but because he does not read the Bible, the church and what it says has been his authority. We were there for three hours witnessing to this man and noticing that other people, throughout the three hours, would stop to listen and we would hand them a tract. We pray that on Mario’s way home, he will think on these things and that God will give him clear understanding.

We enter “home” have the awesome Coconut Cake that Mrs. Logan made for us and I eat while doing my report, need a second piece to keep going and now I can finally say Good-night.

Witnessing at the Arch

Even missionaries need Starbucks too!


Inside Greek Orthadox Church

Temple of Zeus with Muslim Prayer Tower

Thank you Golden Plains

The Arch

Trying Octopus too!

Trying Octopus

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