August 31


Our dear Avra, the Greek lady for which we have prayed so many months, brought her sister and daughter to our street meeting yesterday AND declared to us that she was SAVED! She has heard so many messages throughout the last months of her faithful attendance in church. We have talked with her for hours with an open Bible. She said that she had called out to the Lord for salvation and that the tears wouldn’t stop rolling down her face. She said for three days she has been overwhelmed by this experience. You must understand. From an Orthodox person’s understanding, there is NOTHING to experience with God. Everything is impersonal. Nothing has heart. Everything is in the mind and in vain exercise of habitual tradition. For an Orthodox person to receive salvation and have the Holy Ghost fill their soul, I would not imagine it would be any thing less than an EXPERIENCE. We will continue to follow-up with her about her profession, but nonetheless, it is her profession of faith in Jesus Christ that now she knows she is saved. We do not tell people that they are saved but make them tell us. Whatever emotion, peace, joy, or other experiences she is having in her heart is secondary in our minds (although not in her’s). Avra said yesterday, “When I first heard you preaching about being born again, I knew two things. You knew you were, and I knew I wasn’t and needed to meet you to know how. I now understand.” Glory! Pray for this dear soul. There is no way to get into anyone’s mind or heart. We can never know the true condition of the hearts of others before God, but we can continue to give God’s words over and over to instruct them through the Holy Scriptures.

Another dear Greek lady named Harula that has been attending our church services also said after one of our meetings that she was now saved after calling upon the Lord. We will continue to follow-up on her as well to make sure she has a true Biblical understanding of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

THE FRUIT IS COMING BRETHREN…stay tuned and keep praying.

Great Street Meeting!!!
Too much to tell…

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