Final Update from Brent Logan

“For from you sounded out the word of the Lord not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith to God-ward is spread abroad; so that we need not to speak any thing.”
I Thessalonians 1:8

As the Logan family completes our labour with Project Thessalonica, the above verse could not be more fitting. The word of our Lord has truly sounded out in Macedonia, Greece during the last year and one month. It has sounded out “from you”. Each of “you” who have had a part in Project Thessalonica have been responsible for the great effort for the gospel of Jesus Christ in this area. “YOU” have reached out to this city by your labour, prayer, giving, and concern. The Project has been successful enough to the point that “we” (the Logan family) need not continue here in our post. The Bible Baptist Church of Thessaloniki continues each week with GREEKS who have professed the new birth by repentance and faith. Brother Charles and family has heeded the Macedonian call and are on their way to Thessaloniki by God’s grace to continue to shepherd these people and give the gospel for the proceeding year or as long as the Lord grants an open door. There is much to grant us pause for a time of thankfulness. Let us thank our great God for the freedom He has allowed to do this. Without a doubt, the hand of Almighty God did hedge about this work for the past year. Without a doubt, it has been a miracle to see several Greeks profess that they have received Christ since we began our efforts. Without a doubt, it is amazing to have a congregation in this city that meets week after week to receive Bible teaching and preaching. Without a doubt, it has been a wondrous accomplishment to see over 170,000 gospel tracts and 80,000 Gospels of John passed out house to house and to INDIVIDUALS within ONE YEAR. This does not include the Greek New Testaments or whole Bibles that have been distributed nor does this account for all the many many many hours of public preaching and scripture sign holding in several public places throughout the city of Thessaloniki each week. In addition to the outreach in the great city of Thessaloniki, we have reached the surrounding suburbs in a 30 mile radius. This means that Project Thessalonica has also spread the gospel in the communities of Neo Rysio, Thermi, Tagarades, Kardia, Perea, Agia Triada, Nea Kerasia, Nea Michaniona, New Redestos, Loutra Thermis, Krani, Triadi, Panorama, Agia Paraskevi, Souroti, and Kalamaria. What a labour of love for our Saviour! Multitudes have literally been reached with a chance to accept the gospel of His Son. These thousands upon thousands may never have had such an opportunity before. This is fruit to your account. Thrilling, grateful, blessed, privileged, excited, and satisfied are only a few emotions that come to mind when considering the open door the Lord has allowed us. As for the Logan family, we are very blessed to have had a small part in this. June 16th is our last Sunday here as we will be making our way back to Romania with a desire to strengthen the brethren there. We are confident that the transition this coming Sunday morning with Bro. Charlie will be both smooth and led by the Spirit of our God.

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

Your servant and His,
B. Logan


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