June 27, 2014

Over the last few weeks, there have been several new visitors. Some of these visitors have come several times. I will be meeting with a few of them in the next week to become more familiar with them and them with us.

One of the ladies that visited is currently going to a Pentecostal church but seemed convicted during the sermon and wants to come back. She has asked for prayer for a couple of things from the church. There is one thing that I would like to ask people to pray for as well – she is married to a Muslim and is praying that he will get saved.

One of the most faithful members of the church, Tasos, had to leave to go to Germany for work. It was a really sad parting. Fortunately, he needs to come back in a couple of months until the end of the year and we will be continuing our Bible studies online. He also has a nice church to go to while in Germany. Please pray for his family who is back here. His son has come to church many times and we will be getting back together with him when he returns from vacation.

There are several people that the Lord has been working with here. I do not want to list their names here but the Lord knows and I ask that you continue to pray for them and the work here.

We have been working/calling about our residency paperwork for a while now. It is amazing how confusing it can be! One of the sticking points on the list of requirements was that we needed physicals from a government hospital here. The problem is that we can actually never get to the point where we even make an appointment. We have been having friends calling and talking to doctors to see how we go about it and they keep saying that we need to know what kind of physical because there are many different ones that they require. At the same time, they say that since we are already here, we do not need to have a physical.

I went to the immigration office again today (for about the sixth time) with a friend to help me out. After a few hours, we finally have more information and have an “informal” appointment for next Thursday. Please pray about that as we all need to go down there and it will be a few hour process. Also, almost all of our Greek/English speaking friends are out of town, so please pray the one remaining will be able to help us. We will let you know how it goes!

Please pray about the finances for the church. We are running low on the money for the church and could use more money to help keep the church. Thank you for your prayers and giving!

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