June 8 Part 2

Brother Logan writes:

Good evangelism today in the city square, but a little more opposition than normal. It is getting evident that the open-air preaching of the word of God is having an effect. The preaching of the cross is the power of God for salvation to believing hearts or an offense to those who would reject the Bible. Tracts and music are good works of God, but when the preaching begins it SHAKES THINGS up quickly.

Two rabid G.O. women vehemently attacked Angelo calling us heretics. It was very clear that religion was their god. They hugged and kissed the idolatrous crosses around their necks while spewing hatred toward the truth.

One of the women (pictured below) told Angelo, “You all can go to hell. Get out of our country. I don’t care what the Bible says. I will go to the police and have you arrested.” The Greek man standing by in the picture said, “Shame on you for speaking like that.”

I had 2 conversations with Romanian ladies today. One was physically disabled. She communicated to me her belief that God will allow all people with such infirmities into heaven. I informed her of the biggest infirmity of her life…sin. She must repent and believe the gospel or her sin will drag her to hell with all the other unbelieving healthy individuals. The other lady was the one mentioned in the previous report! She spotted us in the square and came over to us for conversation. She said she wants to come Sunday for the Bible study. I told her again that the building was rough with no electricity or renovation, but she insisted that was no concern to her. She also said she had some serious problems she wished to discuss with someone. She needed help. I thought maybe it was of a financial nature, but she deferred saying it was more serious than anything like that. Pray for Roxana.

The last conversation I want to report was a wonderful encouragement. A man approached me while watching my son preach. He exclaimed in English, “That takes courage!” I replied, “Someone needs to show some courage for the Lord Jesus Christ in public.” In a self-convicting way, he agreed that someone needed to do what we were doing in his city. I asked him if he was born again. He told me that indeed he was saved. I asked him when this took place. Without hesitation, he said 12 years ago. He asked some further questions about us. When I let him know that we were Baptists and of our desire to start a church, he wanted to know when and where. I told him of the building we had secured and that our first service would be this Sunday howbeit in rough condition. He shook his head and smiled. “I have an appointment this weekend, but if the Spirit of God wants me to change my plans and come this Sunday I will. If not, then I will see you the following Sunday.” How we pray that all of these promises are not empty. If all the people eventually come who said they would, then we have a good group to work with already. Pray that nothing hinders these people, and that they are serious about their desire. Time will tell about each of them. We will continue to do our job regardless.

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