March 15

Our new team from three U.S. States (Texas, Virginia, Connecticut) is standing strongly for the Lord Jesus Christ in our continued witness to the city of Thessaloniki. After several days of rain, we were finally given good weather and were blessed to stay among the public for three hours of continual preaching, singing, tract distribution, and conversing. All the members of our group were very much blessed, joyful, and encouraged by the days events. The same can not be said for the devil’s crowd. We stirred up the lost and spiritually blind as they (for the first time) placed a loudspeaker in our direction with a million decibels sounding out the music of hell. This was an attempt to shut us down and make us leave. While our ears suffered and the street preaching was muffled, the Scripture signs could not be put out, and it actually drew more people in. Much literature was distributed today by the good grace of God. Finally, the police came and forced the angry crowd to shut down their loudspeakers, which could be heard for many blocks up the street (and they say we are loud). The police were very kind to us, unlike the last event when the undercover agents made us go to the police station for a two hour “passport check”. They did ask us to move to calm down some of the folks. Although we do plan to move around to different areas more, we did not acquiesce to their request at that time and stayed until 2pm without further incident. There were many good conversations with some promising to visit the church services. About ten individuals happily asked for and received New Testaments. Pray that the word of God will break up the fallow ground of hearts. Also, a new suburb of Thessaloniki, called Panorama, is almost completed with gospels of John in every door. A map with its location is below. May Jesus Christ be pleased with our efforts!
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