May 31

Another good day of giving the gospel on the streets of Thessaloniki. Below is the highlight.

While Angelo was preaching on the street in Greek, an older man came out of nowhere rather abruptly toward Benjamin who was holding a scripture sign. Not getting a response in Greek from Benjamin, he went straight toward Angelo even though he was in the middle of his proclamation. I thought this was an interruption of the devil. I couldn’t have been more wrong. This man gets right in the face of Angelo and says, “Are you the man I have been calling on the phone about the church? I am Theodore.” Angelo stopped preaching in unbelief. “Yes!” The man embraces Angelo in a long bear hug for all the world to see. Another divine appointment. Meanwhile, I am in engaged in a stout confrontation with a G.O. man who sarcastically asks me where I get money to be able to do what I do. Throwing it back in his court, I ask him where he gets his money. He stammers and stutters to find an answer that won’t come. Before he can change the subject, I pose the question again. He nervously says, “I work to get my money.” I reply to him, “I work too…for Jesus.” He quickly moves on to another subject to contend with me about his god (the Greek Orthodox church). Not knowing we were conversing in English, Angelo comes over thinking maybe the language barrier is hindering the conversation. The man and Angelo go at it with scripture on one side and vain religion on the other. Standing on the sidelines hearing it all is Theodore. The dear man who has been calling us several times waiting for us to open a church for Bible studies after he found our phone number on a tract. I am thinking that the stout argument may be perilous for this new soul. The G.O. man turns directly to Theodore and warns him to stay away from us because our words will draw him into heresy. Before Angelo can rebuke this devilish attempt at subversion, Theodore says, “This man is speaking the truth. You are wrong. I don’t need to go to a priest to get forgiven. I can go directly to Jesus just like Angelo says.” Hallelujah! The G.O. man walks off angrily after we have a few more words. Theodore continues to beam and tells Angelo that he can’t wait for us to open a place where he can come hear the word of God. We can’t wait either. Pray that the details of the contract and building renovation will move with speed.

Another door of opportunity was opened when we had a meeting with the landlord of the Missions house. The landlord, who had not yet met Angelo, has his same first name in Greek. He has always been hesitant and cautious about who we were but after speaking with Angelo for about twenty minutes, you would think they were best friends as all the suspicion seemed to fade away. Angelo gave him the gospel clearly with hopes of many more opportunities to water the seed sown.

The effectual prayers of God’s people continue to make a difference day after day.

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