May 8 – 9

Wednesday, May 8, 2013:
Crowds were back to normal capacity as our group ministered on the streets in the city. Three preachers sounded forth the saving gospel to this generation of Greeks on the same ground where Paul preached the same saving gospel to his generation (Acts 13:36). The word of God quietly worked on the hearts of those who would receive it and good conversations were had in both Greek and English. One man read the entire Gospel of John before going on his way while another couple, who spoke very good English, sat and listened to the men preaching until they all finished before going leaving. Let us continue to pray the seed sown will find good ground and bear much fruit to the glory and praise of our Saviour!

It was truly a blessing to be at The BIBLE Baptist Church of Thessaloniki for Wednesday night service. A good crowd of Greeks, Americans, Aussies, Afghans and Brits were in attendance for the preaching of God’s word. Br. Brent and Br. Nathan shared the preaching time and brought respective messages on ‘eternal security’ and ‘properly receiving God’s word’. These are lively services with those in attendance frequently commenting and asking questions during the preaching as they grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Many years of spiritual darkness and “teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” must be undone and the word of God rightly divided so that all may worship in Spirit and in truth. Nonetheless, it is such a blessing that saved sinners from all over the world (literally) can be together in sweet fellowship (1 Jn. 1:3).

Thursday, May 9, 2013:
This morning the group was busy letter-boxing in the city, which is quite a production given the maze of one-way streets and double-parked vehicles that must be negotiated. Many residential buildings in the city place their letter boxes inside the foyer making it very difficult to access them due to key pad combination locks. However, if you are Bethany and Lydia Logan, you get people to hold the door open for you so that you can stuff the boxes and then smile and wish you a good day as you exit! :). Let this be a lesson to us all who have children that it is worth the effort, if at all possible, to take them with us as we minister publicly. Rarely will someone turn down literature from the hands of a child and oftentimes they receive more favour with those being ministered to than do we adults!

This afternoon, we dove into stamping Gospel of John booklets while everyone took care of some respective personal items. We then enjoyed a meal together at the Logan’s house and rested up for what promises to be a busy weekend as we look forward to the street meeting Friday, a baptism Saturday and church services Sunday.

Please remember these prayer requests:
1. Angelo flies out early Monday morning and a translator is needed to continue effectively ministering
2. That our group will obtain favour from the Lord and the Greeks and that we can make a difference in their lives for the cause of Christ
3. Continue to pray according to 2 Thess. 3:1-2


















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