November 9, 2014

I just wanted to get you a few prayer requests for some things going on over here.

Next Sunday is a planned bring a visitor day. We have talked it up for a few weeks and there was a good bit of excitement on the part of the people in church. They have been talking about who they are planning on bringing. We are planning a time of food and fellowship after and of course will be preaching the Gospel during the service. Even a couple of people who are not as faithful as others have said they will bring someone.

Please pray that the Lord would move in the hearts of those invited and that nothing would keep them away next week (November 16). One thing I have learned about serving here is that people always say they will do something but then do not follow through. We want this opportunity for these closest friends and family members of the church people to hear the Gospel, most likely for the first time. But we also want the church people to be encouraged. Please pray they would follow through themselves in bringing their visitors.

We will also be starting to pass out invites in the neighborhood shortly to invite people to bring their children for a special Sunday School time we will be having before the church service. To not be able to minister directly to the children is something that always bothers me here (not allowed to engage the children directly). There are so many around and we ask for prayer that the Lord would work on the parents to bring their children for this special time – and that they would eventually stay for the main service as well. This new service will begin after the new year (too many people traveling around the Christmas and New Year time).

Finally, we had finished our series on Philippians a couple of weeks ago and I spoke about how the people of Philippi had given to Paul for the work when he was in Thessaloniki. I preached about how important it is to be involved in the work of furthering the Gospel of Christ around the globe and that Thessaloniki itself owes a debt for the giving of the Philippians to further Paul’s ministry here in Thessaloniki. We used that to start a missions offering that we will be taking through the end of the year for Bro. Holt. It was such a blessing to see even those without any type of money or income come and drop some change in after the service – and continue to do so. When we speak of and pray for the work in Sierra Leone, they are realizing that there are many places with more difficulties than Greece faces and it is a blessing to see them get involved in spreading the Gospel.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for these requests. We are excited to see the growth in the church and interest in getting the Gospel out. Please pray as we continue to do that here that people would get saved and grow as well.

Thanks so much and God bless!

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