October 18, 2013

[stextbox id=”info”]Please note – This project only has funds on hand to cover expenses for one more month. If you have been waiting to help keep this project going, now would be a great time to jump in.[/stextbox](Donate through the web store by clicking here.)

We continue to have new visitors to church. We have several that have come and a few that have kept coming back. We have been trying to do some things with the church building itself and many people have stepped forward to help out and participate, and doing so gladly. It is a blessing to see the church working together!

One of the new members does design work and has translated and laid out Bro. Logan’s doctrinal book into Greek. We are getting them printed up and planning to start some new studies for those who were not here for that last year. He is also helping us by doing some other design work to help us get the Gospel out even more.

Some of the people in the church have been wanting to participate in the evangelism and that has been a blessing. We are planning some larger outreach opportunities as the year comes to a close here and some of the people have already expressed excitement in helping out with it.

One of the great things that I enjoy seeing at any church is the length of time that people like to linger for fellowship after church. I believe it is a good sign to see people enjoying each others’ company in the Lord and it is very evident here. Most Sundays will see the last people leaving about an hour after service ends!

Please continue to pray for the people that come to church faithfully. It is surprising how many of them have difficulties with family members in relation to their desire to go to church. One of the men actually sneaks to the church and no one knows because of what their reaction to his coming here would be. One of the ladies is only allowed to read her Bible when she is not at home because her husband will not allow it. We are praying to see whole families saved and worshiping God together – please pray with us that this would be realized.

The other night, we were getting ready for church when a man came to the door and asked what “Baptists” were. He asked if this was some new movement because he had never heard of it before :). I began talking to him and found out that he was a Muslim from Iraq. I was able to witness to him for about half an hour. Please pray for Hamid that he would come back again and accept Jesus Christ as Savior. Towards the end of our conversation, Elia came to church and was able to communicate with him a little more deeply in his own language. It was a blessing for Elia and a good testimony for Hamid.

The evangelism has been going very well. We have begun to go out at night each week in addition to the day-time evangelism. One of the brothers here has been doing sketch board preaching. We found a great spot near the ruins of the old palace that sees hundreds of college students going by as well as a large gathering of drug users/drunks. We went out a couple of nights last week and saw many people stop to hear the preaching and many personal witnessing exchanges happen. As one of the brothers mentioned, the young people are really so important here since they really have no affiliation with the orthodox church and are willing to listen. We are really praying to see more young people saved and in church.

Our family has been going out together every so often as well. The kids are really enjoying going out – our littlest, Daniel (almost 2), calls it doing “yassas” (his little Greek for hello). He loves running up to people and saying that while handing a tract. It always neat to see people ignore us but take it from the kids.

We had a brother from the states, Bro. Pledger, that visited with us for a couple of days. One of the days, he and Kayode were talking to some of the guys selling bracelets. After giving the Gospel to them for a while, they bowed their heads in prayer to receive Christ – a blessing!

In addition to the public ministry, we have continued in the gospel distribution from house to house. We have been covering some very large areas lately. For the most part, the reception with those we are able to talk to when we are out in the neighborhoods has been good. I did have one middle-aged man that was angrily throwing a pile of them in the dumpster. I went over to get them out and he started yelling at me. I just took them back from him and the dumpster and went on my way. He started walking right behind me and grabbing them each time I went to put them at a house. I just started trying to see if I could out walk him before I resumed again – it took about 1/3 mile to do that. 🙂 When he disappeared, I went up a bit more and worked my way back. It is always so discouraging to find someone like that who takes it upon themselves to prevent others from hearing the Gospel. There are many such Elymas (Acts 13) here.

The good part about people like this is that we had one lady that came to church on Wednesday as a result of finding the packet in thrown in the road. She came to church as a result! The Lord is able to continue working even when others mean it for evil.

We have some plans to branch out with some other avenues of outreach in the coming months. Please pray that God would bless it and that much fruit would come as a result. This past month has been a blessing here as we have seen more people going out to witness and many great witnessing opportunities with many people. The church has added some new faces and we have continued to meet with new visitors and have Bible studies with those as well. The family is doing great and we are very thankful to be involved in the work here. Thank you for your continued prayers and your support that helps keep this work going that so many of you have had a personal hand in.

Thanks for posting this for us!
God bless you!

Young man who only spoke French getting the Gospel over the phone from Bro. Dan's wife in French!

Young man who only spoke French getting the Gospel over the phone from Bro. Dan’s wife in French!

Bro. Tim praying with the three young men

Bro. Tim praying with the three young men

Bro. Dan witnessing to a man who stopped to hear the preaching

Bro. Dan witnessing to a man who stopped to hear the preaching

Me witnessing to a young man walking by

Me witnessing to a young man walking by

Our little son Daniel and myself

Our little son Daniel and myself

Rachel and our other two children, Chloe and Charlie, while out witnessing

Rachel and our other two children, Chloe and Charlie, while out witnessing

Kayode witnessing to a young man for a while

Kayode witnessing to a young man for a while

People gathering around to hear the sermon

People gathering around to hear the sermon

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