July 26

Pastor Cornel Moisuc and his wife from Brasov Independent Baptist Church in Romania led another group of five Romanian individuals to help in the work of evangelism in Thessaloniki. They labored in the heat to give tracts, preach, and sing of Jesus Christ. One of the Romanian brothers, Peter Militaru, is in his 70’s. He is pictured below preaching the gospel. May God give more saints the zeal and heart of this dear brother. He tirelessly held a sign and distributed tracts despite the heat and the ailments of his age. What a family of God we have! Pastor Moisuc is also pictured below with Alexandru (our new brother in Christ) at a special midweek service we had for the Romanians. Avra, our dear Greek lady, also attended.

We had our 2nd police encounter (picture below). The enemies of the cross of Christ again flooded the emergency numbers of the police station to vent their anger in an attempt to stop our witness. Oddly, the complaints were that Bro. Angelo was too loud. They had NO problem with the Americans or Romanians preaching. Only the GREEK was an issue. The complaint was ludicrous since Angelo doesn’t preach nearly as loud as Bro. Logan. We tried to reason with the police about our level of volume. Was the singing prohibited since it was louder than Angelo’s preaching? Can our volume not reach the level of noise from the traffic passing by? The officers were annoyed that we just didn’t acquiesce to stopping our activity. When things escalated, I called our lawyer who began to speak for us. The police then challenged our activities with the lawyer on the basis of the Greek anti-proselyting laws. It is a good thing that our lawyer is the premier lawyer in the nation concerning these matters. The police quickly left that charge and went back to the noise level issue. In the final analysis, the officer told me that if we did not stop witnessing that I would have to accompany him to the station to discuss these things. Knowing how this is a manner in which to remove us from our activity without charging us, Bro. Logan respectfully told the officer that he chose not to go to the station. He would only go if he was being arrested for breaking a law. This position was taken because the Logan family has obtained religious visas from the government that allow their religious activities. The police had a decision to make. They chose not to push the issue and left. The preaching and singing continued. We chose to kindly lower the volume a bit in appreciation.

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