September 12

Successful Public Evangelism Continues

Thanks to your prayers and the good grace of our God, we had a successful evangelistic effort without any problems. The Lord granted liberty in spite of the difficulties previously reported. There were no police encounters. Of course, we had the usual confrontations with the unsaved, but many tracts and gospels of John went out. In the pictures below you see the trash can full of the good news of salvation. This represents the majority of the opinion of the lost world concerning Jesus Christ. However, you also see a man sitting quietly reading the tract that tells him of eternal life through the Savior. I watched this man read the entire tract cover to cover and then put it in his bag to take home. We are seeking to reap the wheat among the many tares. Bro. Angelo is also pictured witnessing to a lady after being invited to sit down and discuss the truth of the gospel.

Bro. Joel’s family and his team has departed. Their work was a great help. Since we had a cancellation of a team, the reports will be sporadic for a few days. Please pray for Bro. Angelo as he takes this opportunity to go to the village of his parents and witness intently to his aunt and relatives.

We continue to have need of nothing but your prayers and rejoice in the victory of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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