September 20


As we continue to reach out to the lost in evangelization, it is evident that more time must be spent with those who have professed faith in Christ to us. Our Sunday service continues each week, but as most understand, new babes in Christ need more care than just one service a week. Therefore, this week we began a Wednesday evening Bible study. Our intent will be to teach 17 lessons from Salvation to the Second Coming in order to firmly ground in the faith those we are reaching. Simple doctrinal truths with Biblical explanations is foreign to a world where the Bible has not been taught.

While teaching on the new birth, we were all excited when Avra spoke up. Bro. Logan was saying that just as you have a birthdate for your physical birthday, if you are born again, you have a date for your spiritual birthday. Without hesitation, Avra speaks up. “My spiritual birthday was Monday, August 27, 2012. I will never be able to forget that day.” Hallelujah! In response to the teaching, she also spoke of how others thought she was crazy because she felt like a new person was on the inside of her, communicating in a still yet strong voice. “I feel like I am possessed or something.” We almost shouted while explaining to her that, indeed, when you are born again you have been possessed with the Holy Ghost, and there is a new man on the inside of you. She laughed and beamed with joy of understanding. “This is exactly what has happened in me. When I do wrong now, something is speaking firmly with me. I don’t want to do wrong every again. Why do I still do wrong after the joy and experience of peace I have found in salvation? I want those wrong desires to stop permanently.” The teaching continued. Two very distinct natures battling daily for control. She listened intently as we went through the Scripture. What a change has come in the life of this dear Greek lady who was raised in an Orthodox environment without hope. THIS is what has made the money, effort, time, and sacrifice all worth it. You will meet your dear Greek sister in heaven someday where she will be able to thank you that you cared enough to send someone to preach the gospel in the open-air of her city so that she could be eternally saved. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

Please also continue to pray for Alexandru. He has been faithful to our Sunday services since his profession of faith in Christ, but he needs to grow more in the grace of God. His wife had to go back to Romania for an operation but should be back soon. We are glad the Lord led us to them as well.

Below is a picture of Mrs. Logan with Avra after the Bible study.

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